Drug Discovery:
Structure based drug design:
- Target identification and validation
- Docking studies
- Protein and ligand interaction analysis
- Ligand identification based on docking score
- Combinatorial library generation
- Virtual Screening studies
Ligand based drug design/QSAR studies:
Ligand based drug design completes the drug discovery process by providing hit compound.
- QSAR Studies
- Combinatorial library generation
- Pharmacophore identification
- Pharmacophore based search
- Virtual Screening studies
- Lead identification
Molecular Dynamic studies:
In theoretical study of biological molecules molecular dynamics (MD) is a principle tool. This computational method calculates the time dependent behavior of a molecular system. MD simulations have provided detailed information on the fluctuations and conformational changes of proteins, nucleic acids and protein-ligand complexes. This method used to investigate the structure, dynamics and thermodynamics of biological molecules and their complexes.
- Molecular dynamic studies of proteins, Nucleic acids and protein-ligand complexes
Drug Repurposing:
Drug repurposing (also known as Drug repositioning, Drug re-profiling, Therapeutic switching and Drug re-tasking) is application of known drugs for new indicationOur Services Includes:
- Development of Drug repurposing database
- New indication search for known compound from Journals/Patents/Clinical trial database/Other etc
Bioinformatics Services:
List of Services:
- Next-Gen sequencing data Analysis
- Microarray Data analysis
- Genome annotation and analysis
- Protein sequence identification annotation and characterization
- Biological sequence Identification
- Phylogenetic analysis and custom tree generation
- Biomarker database
Clinical Data Services:
- Clinical Data Management
Computational Chemistry:
- Quantum Chemical Solutions
- DFT studies
Cheminformatics (sometimes referred to as chemical informatics or chemoinformatics) focuses on storing, indexing, searching, retrieving, and applying information about chemical compounds.
In addition to chemical names and formulas, we, cheminformatics specialists, search for and retrieve information about physical properties, three-dimensional molecular and crystal structures, spectroscopic signatures, a chemical reaction pathways, molecular functional groups, and docking sites, and other parameters, some of which require advanced information storage and retrieval technologies.
Here we are integrating chemical information from multiple sources and analytical techniques, extracting and mining information from journal articles, and applying this information to understanding and predicting how chemicals affect entire systems (including human bodies)
Computational Chemistry:
- Quantum Chemical Solutions
- DFT Studies