
Systematic review and meta-analysis (SRMA):

Systematic review provides solution for a definitive research question through collection and summarising all the evidence that fits into a pre-defined condition. While meta-analysis uses statistical methodology to visualise results of the systematic review.

Network meta-analysis (NMA):

Network meta-analysis is a technique for comparing multiple treatments simultaneously in a single analysis by combining direct and indirect evidence within a network of randomized controlled trials. Network meta-analysis may assist assessing the comparative effectiveness of different treatments regularly used in clinical practice, and therefore has become attractive among clinicians.

Web Content Writing:

Procuring readers’ attention in this revolutionary digital world is certainly challenging because it has been identified that nearly 55% of visitors stay on the web page not more than 15 seconds. However, a wholesome website writing can dab these statistics. A good content exclusively optimized for the web gets displayed on top in the search results, thereby increasing readers’ chance to open it. Besides, well-written web content can produce twist and turns in your business or career.
The message in the website should captivate target audiences and obligate them to perform desired action. Moreover, SEO-based web content greatly supports the lead generation funnel in several possible ways. Apart from building awareness, web writing builds trust and generates sales.
An effective web content writing follows certain golden rules to achieve the desired results such as knowing the target audience, following the “inverted pyramid” model, including short and simple sentences, writing in active voice, including examples, avoiding complex language, incorporating multimedia, making it keyword focused, creating a want more experience, and including relevant links.

Article Writing Services:

Interest building and traffic generation begins with effective article writing services that delivers superior-quality, essential information-rich articles which crown a unique and stand-out position in the competitive market. Article writing is a high-skilled profession demanding well-qualified and out-of-the-box thinker, who assures microscopic detailing in any part of information provided in the article, thereby promising the required credibility to any business.
Sustaining a commendable place in the vast niche is never an easy task. Strategic and cost-effective content marketing helps a wide range of business to maintain stability. Articles integrated with targeted keywords serve as the effective way to assign your website the top position in the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) Ranking slot. It is necessary to maintain the trustworthiness of existing customers and simultaneously convert leads into customers.
Therefore, articles favour two things – one is sharing information and the other thing is generating more traffic to business website. Besides, they also directly connect the marketing Return on Investment (ROI) with conversion rates making it 6x times greater for content marketing adopters than the non-adopters.
This makes article writing service an important source in present content marketing applications. This service can be enhanced with a thoughtful amalgamation of SEO content, tantalizing headlines and interesting content.

Case Study/White Paper Writing:

A white paper is a guide to resolve a problem concerning your audience. The papers provide you a chance to express powerful thoughts and inform your customers/audience and prospects regarding the common issues occurring in industry. It serves as an important method to generate leads, exhibit thought leadership, educate prospects and build trust, and enable customers make business with you.
On the other hand, a case study is an all-inclusive report about your client or a group of clients associated with a problematic situation resolved by your company.
These marketing resources enable readers to image themselves in a specific situation and foresee how a company had solved the problem experienced in the course of business development. In addition, it acts as effective testimonials and demonstrate to prospects how you have deployed a certain product or service for a customer or client. Also, one of the best ways to convert on-the-fence prospects into active customers.