Key Opinion Leaders Services


Opinion Leaders Identification: In terms of determining opinion leaders, we use a variety of methodologies and crucial & critical elements (e.g. clinical trials, authorship, guidelines, advisory boards, conferences, etc.). We prioritize the parameters based on the OL engagement needs, then score and rank them to reflect on the findings using consultative ways.

Opinion Leaders Profiling: Representatives from pharmaceutical and medical device businesses can engage and interact with top identified leaders when the identification process is completed. As a result, we cover KOL profiling in two aspects: short-profiles and comprehensive profiles.

    • The short-profile provide information on the OL such as Title, Current Affiliation, Addresses, City, State, Country, Biography, Therapeutic Area, Specialties and Credentials
    • The Comprehensive Profile provides in-depth insights to understand about the OL. Our team will capture Personal information, Current and Past Affiliations, Publications, Grants and Funds, Clinical trials, Guidelines and Recommendations, Disclosure, Conferences, Educational Background, etc.

Non-Clinical Opinion Leaders/Market Access Stakeholders Identification: Apart from opinion leaders we look for leaders who can assist with breaking down barriers, gaining market access, and providing patients with novel pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. Leaders such as pharmacists, HEOR experts, public health consultants, prescribers, pricing managers, policymakers, and others are identified after learning about the market access difficulties.

Digital Opinion Leader Identification: We identify and characterize digital opinion leaders by combining traditional methodologies with real-world insights and data from social and digital channelsBased on three criteria: relevance, reach and resonance, we collect and evaluate the scientific information like Conference proceedings, medical education programmes, drug interviews etc. from digital channels such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Industry blogs, Professional LinkedIn medical community, Television, Newspaper, Flyers, Brochures so on to get the significant influence on desire topic of interest.

Topics of interest include medical devices, medical interventions, drug regulatory process etc which are of paramount importance and provide understanding and engagement with representatives of pharmaceutical and biotech companies.

Opinion Leaders Validation: We validate the historical data into the most recent year of data, based on the date range provided by the client. We communicate the same with the client and rigorously update the data on a regular basis.

Opinion Leader Screening: Pharmaceutical companies invest more opinion leaders for their business, therefore we do a deeper dive and screen them on social media platforms, medical licenses, and medication debarments to find out about their unlawful activities.

Organizational Profiling: We collect information on the organization address, vision, mission, key people, successes, membership, sponsorship, guidelines, and events involving drugs, diagnostics, medical devices, etc. We profile organizations such as societies, associations, medical groups, conferences, etc.,

Opinion Leader Segmentation: Pharma marketing necessitates the employment of influential opinion leader in specific locales, the use of similar treatments in similar disease areas, and the use of activity-based leaders (e.g.: Publication leaders, Clinical Investigators etc.). To yield the explicit kind of people, we assign and prioritize the score, rank and segment the opinion leader by location, related therapeutic areas (RA, PsA, AS), and activities.

Emerging/Rising Star Identification: Person with a different perspective, more current activities/influential network connections, and less clinical and academic experience is more likely to become future opinion leaders. Pharmaceutical businesses will keep in touch with them on a regular basis in order to learn more about their new and ground-breaking therapeutic concepts.

Conference Mining: Clinically relevant issues on the newest improvements in the therapy, management, and recent developments in illness patient care will be presented by the prominent thought leaders. As a result, the methods given for conducting clinical trials and funding medications will be feasible.

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